Friday, July 29, 2022

Life Update: Baby Number 4!


I thought it was about time I introduce you all to the newest addition to our family. It's only taken me a few days short of 5 months. Not as quick as I used to be with my posts for Baby 1, Baby 2, and Baby 3).
You know I'm annoying and never share my kids real names on here, but I will tell you that her big sister has dubbed her "Baby Chippy". The only explanation I can give is that big sister is a hyper little goofball that likes to make up words. But it's stuck and now it looks like this baby has a good chance of being called Chippy for the rest of her life.
I never really properly announced this pregnancy to you all, although I'm sure some of you guessed by my long absence on here plus the fact that it had been "sooooo long" (3 years) since my last baby was born. 
For me this really was a dramatic change from my first two gaps between kids being 16 months and then 14 months. Definitely took me a second to get back into baby mom mode again here. But of course, it has been a complete joy adjusting our lives to include this sweet girl. We have been so happy and thankful to enjoy all the baby chub and snuggles all over again. 

Here's her newborn photo. I can't believe this was already almost 5 months ago! This time with our girl has gone by SO fast. Partly because we've been traveling a ton for Samuel's work. This has been a very chaotic and fun year for us so far. Baby Chippy has already seen the Gulf of Mexico, Lake Superior and Lake Michigan and has been in 12 states! 

I do have some new recipes lined up for you for the next few weeks. The background of these photos I just took of my kids the other day contain a hint to a special ingredient in my next recipe. That's right, I'm making you a recipe with FRESH ROSE PETALS. I bet you never expected me to be so fancy. Hopefully I'll get it up sometime next week. See you then!

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful how you've embraced this new chapter with love and gratitude, cherishing each moment of baby chub and snuggles. Your dedication to sharing your life updates and upcoming recipes with us is truly appreciated. Don't forget, if you need any help balancing your busy schedule with your family time, you can always rely on professional support from They heplped me a lot with all my writing needs. Keep shining your light and sharing your beautiful journey with us!
